Podcast Episodes
Trusting God's Plan
In this episode, Liz candidly shares her emotional struggle with the lack of control over her baby's health, despite her strong faith. She delves into the complexities of parenting, self-blame, and the spiritual lessons she's learned along the way.
Rethinking the Media We Consume
Television shows have the power to shape and influence our perceptions of the world around us. In this episode, Liz considers the impact of shows she watched growing up. Have beloved sitcoms like Friends and Sex and the City contributed to negative stereotypes about gender roles?
Embracing Entrepreneurship and Technology
Liz Durham sits down with Gary to talk about how working with the family business from a young age helped shape Gary's entrepreneurial mindset, and how technological change is impacting parenting now more than ever.
Balancing Careers and Motherhood
From navigating gender roles to maintaining work-life balance, Liz Durham and Taylor Brasel provide different generational insights into the complexities of managing family and professional lives.
Sober Curious
The normalization of alcohol consumption peaked during the pandemic, and with phrases like "mommy juice" and "wine mom" culture, the trend is clear among moms, too. Liz Durham sits down with her friend Aubrey Arms to shed light on the pressure to indulge in alcohol as a means of coping with the challenges of motherhood.
Teaching Kids Financial Responsibility
We all know proper money management skills are crucial in our lives, so why not equip our kids with these tools early on? Liz Durham dives into her personal journey of teaching her kids about money and finances.
Lessons from Home
Host Liz Durham and her husband Luke sit down to chat about Liz's journey of leaving her job to become a stay-at-home mom.
How to “Vacation” with Young Kids
In this solo episode, Liz reflects on the challenges she faced during her summer vacation with her young kids - and what she would do differently.
How Has Motherhood Changed?
Liz Durham and Tammy delve into the impact of feminism, the significance of outdoor play, and the importance of self-directed learning for young children.
The Lies Modern Day Feminists Tell Women
In this solo episode with host Liz Durham, she breaks down three lies that impact families, children, and mothers.
The Importance of the Family Unit
Liz Durham and Mark Mathabane discuss different approaches to discipline within the family, the impact of divorce on children, and the importance of being involved in your child's education.
Lessons from Home
In this solo episode with host Liz Durham, she reflects on the last five months and her journey into her role as a stay-at-home mom.
Talking to Our Kids About Race
How do we navigate the conversation of race with our children? Host Liz Durham sat down with Ace Battle to discuss a topic that is as important as it is complex.
Talking About Race
On this episode of Being Different, New York Times bestselling author Mark Mathabane shares his honest and eye-opening account of growing up in South Africa during apartheid. He emphasizes the importance of embracing our common humanity and reaching across racial boundaries.
Choosing Home Birth
As more expecting parents consider alternatives to traditional hospital settings, the choice of where to give birth is becoming an increasingly interesting topic. In this episode of Being Different, Liz Durham talks with Lexi Young Peck about her experiences with pregnancy, home birth, and farm life.
Redefining Women’s Fitness
In this episode of Being Different, Erica Webster shares the challenges she faced while juggling back-to-back pregnancies, and how her personal experiences transformed her outlook on fitness, motherhood, and ultimately her business plan.
Nailing Nutrition at Home
In this week's episode of Being Different, Liz and her guest Kellie Cope of Nourishing Our Needs work to lift the veil on the organic food marketing machine and debunk common nutrition misconceptions.
How Can We Support Special Needs Families?
In this episode, Liz is joined by Anthony Palmer, producer of Being Different, to reflect on the role of advocacy in all special needs families and what we can do to support our community.
Is All Special Ed Created Equal?
Michael is also a member of the Governor's Council on Autism Spectrum Disorder and has served on the East Tennessee Chapter of the Autism Society of America. In this episode of Being Different, Michael joins our host Liz Durham to discuss his work at Sertoma, challenges in adult care, and what he’s learned from his personal experience.
Caring for Adults with Special Needs
Michael is also a member of the Governor's Council on Autism Spectrum Disorder and has served on the East Tennessee Chapter of the Autism Society of America. In this episode of Being Different, Michael joins our host Liz Durham to discuss his work at Sertoma, challenges in adult care, and what he’s learned from his personal experience.